Always on Time - 100% accuracy
In most high-tech companies, wages are the most significant component of the expenditure budget. Managing payroll requires expert knowledge and skill in the intricacies of frequently updated regulations and laws.
Early start-up Stage
The initial core of employees is the basis for the company's success. These are usually the key people with knowledge and experience. Each of them constitutes an important and unique component with individual requirements and a need for a personal attention.
After Initial Funding
Following significant growth in the number of employees, there is a growing need to obtain advice on labor law, wage policy building and operation of a social security system, in accordance with regulatory requirements.
The Problem
Despite the great importance of the company's most valuable resource, the issue of wages might not be addressed properly, because the company personnel do not have the professional knowledge and time required to deal with the issue.. Possible consequences are breach of the law and employment practices and ensuing legal exposure.
The Solution
Use of the professional outsourcing services of the payroll department of Top Finance, which specializes in preparing salaries for high-tech companies at all levels, and addressing conventional market conditions. Also, we have reached optimal agreements with leading insurance companies to provide employees with pension plans at very favorable terms.

- Ongoing advice on labor law and conventional market conditions in the high-tech sector
- Wage computation
- Sending pay slips directly to employees
- Vacation management
- Reporting and remitting to the tax authorities
- Monthly costing reports
- Data and simulations for wage reviews
- Management reports and departmental pay orders
- Liaising with pension clearing houses
- Severance pay reports
- Form 126 Annual Report to authorities
We believe in our client and client collaboration